The COVID-19 pandemic did its fair share of damage around the globe, from causing millions of deaths to disrupting nearly all of the world’s economies. Now that the worst of it seems to be in the rearview, we asked our readers to share their thoughts on how the pandemic temporarily brought the electronics industry to its knees. Read on to find out what they had to say.

Kyle MacDonald
Supply Chain Issues
The electronics industry faced supply chain issues just as much as everyone else. Electronics are always in high demand, but that demand increased, even more, when people were stuck at home with nothing else to do but use electronics. So while demand was extra high, there were shortages and struggles to get raw materials, which put production behind and caused shipping to be even further delayed.
Increase in Demand, Supply Disruptions
One of the major challenges that the electronics industry faced during the pandemic is one that most other businesses faced as well: supply chain disruptions. Companies struggled to keep up with the increasing demand for electrical components and equipment while managing supply chain issues. Because more and more people were utilizing computers to work virtually during the pandemic, electronics companies were struggling to provide them due to supply chain problems. Like most of us, they’ve learned the importance of differentiating your suppliers to mitigate problems when things fall through.

Daivat Dholakia
Daivat Dholakia, VP of Operations, Essenvia.

Morshed Alam
Worker Quarantines, Parts, and Components Shortages
Some of the challenges that the electronics industry faced during the pandemic were:
Quarantine of workers
Factories had to close down temporarily due to a large number of workers getting sick and being placed in quarantine. This led to a shortage of manpower and caused factories to be unable to produce at full capacity.
Shortage of parts and components
A lot of components and parts used in the production of electronics are sourced from China. The outbreak caused a global shortage as factories were unable to operate normally. This led to increased prices for these components and a delay in product launches.
Workers unable to get to work
Many workers were unable to get to work as transportation systems were shut down.
Shipping Delays and Labor Shortages
Shipping delays
One of the biggest challenges the electronics industry has faced is the delays in shipping. It has affected both the timely arrival of raw materials as well as the shipping of finished goods. The suppliers were not able to meet the demand for certain components. This has resulted in higher prices for these components and also longer lead times.
These shipping delays have deeply affected the industry operations and workflow which resulted in higher production costs. Inability to send the finished goods to the customers on time has caused loss of sales and also reputation.
Labor shortages
Labor shortages have been another big challenge for the electronics industry. Many workers have left their jobs due to the pandemic and this has led to a severe shortage of manpower. This has caused delays in production, increased costs, and also loss of sales.

Harriet Chan
Harriet Chan, Co-Founder of CocoFinder, a company engaged in software development.

Sheila Eugenio
Sheila Eugenio, CEO of
Shortages and Miscommunication
The electronics industry had to face several challenges during the pandemic. One of the most significant challenges was the shortage of workers. Many workers were unable to travel to work or were forced to stay home due to illness or self-quarantine.
Additionally, many factories were closed due to the pandemic. This led to a shortage of components and finished products. Factories that remained open struggled to meet demand as worker productivity decreased and employees fell ill.
The electronics industry also faced a challenge in terms of communication. Many factories were located in different parts of the world, and it was difficult for them to communicate with one another due to travel restrictions and closed borders. This made it difficult for them to coordinate production and distribution.
Counterfeit Parts, Travel Restrictions
The electronics industry had to face several challenges during the pandemic. One was ensuring that workers in the factories were kept safe and healthy. Another was ensuring that there was enough supply of components to continue production.
In some cases, factories had to be closed due to worker shortages, and manufacturers had to find ways to work with less-skilled labor. There were also concerns about counterfeit parts entering the supply chain, and companies had to take steps to ensure the authenticity of parts.
Finally, many companies had to deal with disruptions in their supply chains caused by travel restrictions and factory shutdowns. This led to delays in getting products to market and increased costs for producers.

Max Benz

Michael Jan Baldicana
Michael Jan Baldicana, Web Content Specialist with Dream Chasers.
Changes in Consumer Behavior
The electronics industry faced many challenges during the pandemic. From the huge demand for electronic devices to the shortage of raw materials and human resources to the changes in consumer behavior, this industry had its fair share of difficulties.
One such challenge that they faced was a shortage of raw materials. The demand for electronic devices skyrocketed during the pandemic and there was an increased need for metals like copper and gold. This caused a shortage in these metals which led to prices soaring exponentially.
The other challenge that they faced was a change in consumer behavior as people started opting for cheaper alternatives like paper rather than expensive ones like steel or aluminum. This affected not just their businesses but also their consumers who were forced to adapt quickly without any help from them.
This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.