On September 17, 1787, the delegates for the Constitutional Convention gathered for the last time to sign a document, the U.S. Constitution. There were fifty-five original delegates, but only thirty-nine courageous men who signed the document, our founding fathers.

Constitution of the United States

At EMS Solutions, we are reminded of the bravery of our founding fathers. Those brave delegates unified our colonies, paving the way for a strong country.

EMS Solutions Loves America

Patriotism means showing respect for our country’s history, freedoms, and fellow Americans. Being a hundred percent American-based Company, we at EMS Solutions believe that we are among those American companies that embrace employing fellow Americans.

We pride our EMS company on being American-based, hiring local people, and contributing to the country’s overall economy.

Being patriotic means being a friend. EMS Solutions hopes you find a friend in us. Happy Constitution Day.