Should the modern world still consider, Daylight Saving Time (DST)? We often hear complaints about losing an hour every morning, waking up tired; as if a portion of your time was taken permission. The best way to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of DST is to understand its history.
The History of Daylight Savings
DST is a process of changing the standard time for the purpose of conserving energy. It is believed that ancient civilizations had similar ideas, but more modern considerations of using DST didn’t take place until the last two centuries.
In 1784, Benjamin Franklin suggested the idea about adjusting the clocks in the spring to save the candles. It wasn’t until nearly 150 years later, as a resource to save energy during World War I, that Mr. Franklin’s idea came to be.
The Uniform Time Act was adopted in 1966. This act sets the DST on the last Sunday of April. In 2005, the energy policy act changed the DST dates to begin at 2 AM on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November, at the same time.
Benefits of DST
While there are many obvious sides of Daylight Savings Time that are not popular, let’s cover a few advantages of DST.
1. Sales Increase as Time Changes
Researchers have claimed that DST has a positive effect on the job market and the economy. Various businesses like sporting events and retail have reported increased commercial sales and revenue due to DST. The theory on the increase is that customers have extra daylight to shop and enjoy recreational activities.
2. Promotes Tourism
Increased daylight hours allows more time for people to enjoy the outdoors or travel. DST may also boost transportation revenues, such as taxis and buses.
3. Promotes Electricity Conservation
DST conserves energy. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the percentage of electricity usage in certain sectors drops 1% as a result of DST.
4. Increases Productivity
During DST, the sun reaches its peak at 1 pm instead of 12 pm giving us more daylight until 7 PM or later, instead of 6 PM. Our minds unconsciously push us to work harder and longer than our usual pace because the sun is still out.
If you find yourself working harder and longer during extra hours of sunlight, it is important to work smarter. Here are some productivity tips:
- List your goals for the day (make them achievable)
- Remove all distractions; Stay focused
- Avoid social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Take a power nap once a day
- Don’t overthink, keep powering forward
Here at EMS Solutions, there are so many added benefits with DST, how can we not take advantage of the good that comes with it. Let’s gear up and get ready for the added sales and productivity.