Daylight Saving Time will begin on March 12 and will end on November 5, covering eight months of the year. The government adopted this concept as a way of conserving energy. It allows people to spend more waking hours in sunlight and use less electricity at night.

Daylight Saving Time can Boost Business

(Pixabay / Life-Of-Pix)

Businesses can benefit from Daylight Saving Time. Customers often have greater inclination to go out and shop when the daylight extends later into the evening. For this reason, shopping malls, golf courses, sporting goods industries and other entities continually lobby for the extension of Daylight Savings Time.

Benefits of Daylight Saving Time

Although there are conflicting opinions about the merit of Daylight Saving Time, most people can agree on the following:

  • More time for outdoor activities – With the extra hour of daylight, people have more time for outdoor activities after work, including shopping, dining out, and working out.
  • Increased travel – Longer daylight hours encourage people to get out and see new places. This is good news for tourist sites and the fuel and food industries.
  • Longer shopping hours – Shopping malls often see an uptick in traffic with Daylight Saving Time.
  • Increased productivity – Longer days mean more time for farmers and farm workers to spend in the field. This can lead to greater agricultural output.

If you’re still begrudging that lost hour of sleep that comes from “springing forward” for Daylight Saving Time, take comfort in knowing that the economy gets a push, and a better economy is good for all of us.