Don East
No, Go For Quality
Using cheap electronic components in any design is generally not a good idea.
In some cases, the components will pass quality checks initially and make it out to the consumer before failing. This can create a nightmare for the company that now needs to either recall the product or deal with the failed units individually. This can also hurt the brand’s reputation, depending on the severity.
Using quality components in a mass-production environment is always a better idea.
It Depends On The Situation
There’s a lot to consider when it comes to cheap electronic components and mass production. On the one hand, you want to save money on components, but on the other hand, you don’t want to sacrifice quality.
When it comes to electronic components, it’s important to find a balance between cost and quality. In some cases, spending a little extra on higher-quality components that will last longer and provide a better overall product might be worth it. However, in other cases, using cheaper components might be more cost-effective.
It really depends on the specific situation and what your priorities are. If cost is your primary concern, you might be better off with cheaper components. But if the quality is your top priority, you might want to spend a little extra on better components.

Brandon Wilkes

Christen Costa
No, They Can Cause Serious Quality Control Issues
Cheap electronic components are not good for mass production because they can cause serious quality control issues. Higher-quality components are more reliable and thus create fewer issues during production.
No, Cheap Parts Won’t Last As Long
Using cheap electronic components can offer a great way to get the parts you need for a lower cost. However, those cheap parts may or may not work and may or may not last very long. The problem with cheap electronic parts is the lifetime of that part might not really save you that much money.
If you inevitably have to replace the part quickly, or often because it doesn’t last, you’re creating more waste and spending more money over time than you would if you just bought higher quality, more expensive parts.

Kyle MacDonald

Anthony Vaccaro
Yes, If The Product Will Only Be Used Once or Twice
In terms of mass production, it’s important to note that cheap components are not necessarily better than more expensive ones. The quality of the materials and parts used to build a component can vary wildly, and the overall lifespan of an electronic device can be heavily impacted by how well its components were made.
Cheap components [are] more likely to break down over time, which means you’ll have to replace them more often. This leads to higher costs in both labor and materials.
However, there are situations where cheap components can be a good choice for mass production. For example: if you’re building something that will only be used once or twice (like a one-time “event” item), then using cheaper parts may make sense if they’re adequate for your needs.
Yes, If You Like Unpredictability
Cheap electronic components may be good for your bottom line, but they can make mass production results more unpredictable. You are more likely to experience quality control issues with cheap components, which may end up being more costly than using better components in the first place.

Adam Rossi
This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.